Monday, June 22, 2020

11 Months

Isabel turned eleven months old on June 19 - an extra special day, her great-grandpa Wilmoth's birthday. We're so thankful for this sweet girl who made a hard day a little easier. 

Isabel seems to have turned into a toddler over this last month. She is much more opinionated these days and lets us know what she wants and doesn't want. She has also started to practice climbing up short steps.

She cut a new tooth this month, so now she has five teeth. She really likes her sippy cup of water, and she's still a good eater. Her favorite foods are scrambled eggs, cheese, applesauce, and Grandma Patty's lasagna. 

She is a pretty good napper but not the best nighttime sleeper. She is so sweet and cuddly though that I don't mind the wake ups. She gives the sweetest hugs when she wakes up from her naps or when she is tired. 

Her newest trick is to nod her head yes and shake her head no. She waves when she sees herself in the mirror, and she waves "night night" to the big kids when I take her back to the bedroom to put her to sleep. She is such a fun little girl!

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