Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Last Football Game

We all had a lot of fun with Max's first flag football season! His last game was tonight, and he talked most of the ride home about how he wishes he had more games and how he is going to miss his team and coaches. 

I didn't notice that he was the only one wearing his mouth guard for the team picture until after we were done with pictures. I guess he was going for the tough guy look with the cast and no-nonsense stare. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Beauty Salon

Natalie and Emma like to play beauty salon, but this morning I was invited to fill in for Natalie while she was at school.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Max's First Cast

I'm actually kind of impressed that Max made it 6.5 years without a broken bone! He jumped from part of the play equipment at recess this morning and missed the bar that he was hoping to grab. He and I spent the afternoon at the doctor's office and came home with this new green cast. While we were at the doctor's office, he told me that he hoped it was broken so that he could get a cast to make it feel better. He is actually kind of excited about his cast now that his arm doesn't hurt anymore. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Isabel has been learning a lot of new words lately, and one of her favorites is "ball". She gets really excited every time she finds a ball. 

She also says peek-a-boo, which is mostly just "boo" with some added noise at the beginning, but we love it so much. 

And here she is climbing the play set. She climbs up, slides down the slide on her tummy, and repeats!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Max the Running Back

Max got a chance to run the ball at his game tonight, and he made it almost all the way down the field before his flag was pulled!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Flag Football

Max played in his first flag football game this morning. He has been having a lot of fun learning about the game at his practices over the last few weeks. He is one of many little blond boys on his team, so it took some effort to find him on the field! He played center most of the game and was excited to have a position. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Cold Weather Fun

We wore pants and jackets on our bike ride earlier this week, but we were still too cold to make it very far. (I took a few pictures of the girls, and they took turns giving me good smiles. Emma is smiling nicely in every picture that Isabel isn't, and vice versa.)

Isabel and Emma have spent hours playing with this tub of rice and beans this week. I sweep rice and beans off the floor multiple times a day, and it's totally worth it. Also, Isabel says "cheese" for pictures now, which is just so sweet. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Little Cheer Camp

Little cheer camp was different this year because of Covid, but Natalie still had a lot of fun. They learned the cheers on Saturday, but they performed for the parents tonight instead of at the football game on Friday because they are limiting the number of people in the stands at the football games this year. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

First Day of School!

Natalie and Max both had a great first day of school! They both woke up early this morning and were ready to go with time to spare. We have been nervous about how school would look and feel during the pandemic, but they said the masks and new rules were no big deal. We're looking forward to another great day tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Last Day of Summer

We celebrated the end of summer with ice cream at the Burger Garage tonight. We are all sad to see this summer break come to an end. Natalie and Max have been home with us all day every day for almost six months, and we got into a really great groove. We were talking about school starting tomorrow, and Emma told me, "I don't like to miss Natalie and Max." We're all going to miss them, but we're also excited to see what this school year brings.