Monday, June 29, 2020


I ordered this new book on a whim after hearing another mom talk about how great it is for kids who love facts. It came in the mail today, and the kids devoured it right when I took it out of the box. "Imperial Japan?!" and "This is the best thing ever!" were just a couple of Natalie's comments. I think it's a hit.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Dirt Work

Emma loves to help, and she loves to play in the dirt, so this job was perfect for her. She ran outside right after breakfast to play on the dirt "mountain" before the work began. Then she spent a big chunk of her day helping Chris move this big pile of topsoil from the driveway around to the back corner of the house. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


We played at the park this morning, and as we were leaving, Natalie and Max ran through the splash park to "cool off".

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Play Ball!

Max's team was supposed to play their first game of the season last Friday, but that game got rained out, so his first game was tonight. He got to play first base, pitcher, and outfield, and he had three good hits. We all had fun watching him, and Isabel had fun clapping for him.

Monday, June 22, 2020

11 Months

Isabel turned eleven months old on June 19 - an extra special day, her great-grandpa Wilmoth's birthday. We're so thankful for this sweet girl who made a hard day a little easier. 

Isabel seems to have turned into a toddler over this last month. She is much more opinionated these days and lets us know what she wants and doesn't want. She has also started to practice climbing up short steps.

She cut a new tooth this month, so now she has five teeth. She really likes her sippy cup of water, and she's still a good eater. Her favorite foods are scrambled eggs, cheese, applesauce, and Grandma Patty's lasagna. 

She is a pretty good napper but not the best nighttime sleeper. She is so sweet and cuddly though that I don't mind the wake ups. She gives the sweetest hugs when she wakes up from her naps or when she is tired. 

Her newest trick is to nod her head yes and shake her head no. She waves when she sees herself in the mirror, and she waves "night night" to the big kids when I take her back to the bedroom to put her to sleep. She is such a fun little girl!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day

We had a fun and full Father's Day with both sides of our family. We squeezed in a quick, sweaty picture before baths tonight. These kids simply adore their daddy and rightfully so. They've got one of the best.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fun on the Porch

Isabel loves to go outside and play on the porch! She and Emma are the sweetest little friends.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Agco Parade

Agco had all of its North American machinery in Hesston today to take pictures and videos to use for online dealer showings and training. They extended the fun to the community with a midday parade! We all had a lot of fun waving and cheering!

Emma was so into it that she had to move up closer for a better view.

Monday, June 8, 2020


It's hard to keep the popsicles in stock with these two around.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Book Walk

We had fun on our first book walk of the summer at the arboretum this morning.