Monday, June 23, 2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Causes for Celebration

We had a great time this afternoon celebrating my grandpa's 80th birthday, Max's arrival, and cousin Charley's arrival. What a blessing it is to have so many reasons to celebrate! 

Charley is such a sweet little girl. She is six weeks older than Max, so it will be fun to watch them play together as they grow up. Big brother Platt and big sister Natalie had fun running around while everyone else played "pass the babies".

Friday, June 20, 2014


And TGSC (Thank Goodness She's Cute).

This week has been one of too little sleep and too many time outs. Here's to hoping next week is made up of easier days.

She's worth every minute of the hard days though.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Two Months

What a great age. Max is transforming from a newborn to a little person, and I love it! He is starting to interact with the world around him and show us bits and pieces of his sweet personality. He has been smiling for a couple weeks now, but today he smiled at Natalie for the first time, and I felt like I caught a glimpse of their future friendship. So sweet.

At two months old Max:
  • is 24 inches long (90th percentile) and weighs 16 pounds 12.5 ounces (>97th percentile)! Can you believe it? Me neither! My grandpa has already recruited my dad to push him around Bill Snyder Family Stadium in his wheel chair when he is 100 and Max is playing football for the Wildcats :)
  • loves taking baths. I still bathe him in the bathroom sink which is getting much too small for our big guy. 
  • has recently started sucking his thumb and fingers. It's so cute, but the poor little guy has scratches all around his nose from free flying fingers on their way to or from his mouth.
  • is sleeping really pretty well, but that's all I'm going to say about that because everyone knows that once you start bragging about your baby's sleep he will suddenly change his ways and prove you very very wrong. 
  • is such a happy, smiley, cuddly baby. We're all pretty smitten around here.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day

Agco babies. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

We had a great Father's Day weekend filled with family and food. Then Chris spent last night sleeping in the recliner with a sick Natalie. That's really what it's all about though - sacrificial love. So thankful that my babies have such a good daddy.

In other news, today Max is two months old! He goes to the doctor for a checkup tomorrow, so I'm going to wait until then to write his two month post. Then I'll have his official height and weight numbers, and they're sure to be impressive! Here are some pictures to hold you over until tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Story Time

We went to story time at the library this morning. It is a special story time geared towards kids ages 0-4. Although Max is age 0, he didn't do much participating other than napping in the Moby wrap or as Natalie likes to call it, his "pocket". Natalie was too busy to listen to the stories too well, but so were the other 35 toddlers. We all had much more fun digging plastic creatures out of ice blocks on the side walk outside. Natalie was excited to sit by her friends Sadie and Carston.

Once everyone had freed their animals from the ice, we were supposed to go back inside for more stories, but Natalie wanted to stay where she was. After some ice eating and some spinning on the grass, Miss Free Spirit was ready to go back inside with everyone else.

Story time ended with a popsicle snack, and we checked out some books on the way home. We even checked out a Star Wars counting book like good O'Hallorans.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday Happenings

Natalie and Max Meet a Turtle

We saw a turtle outside my parents' house this last weekend and ran out to see it thinking that Natalie would really like to see a real turtle for the first time. We thought wrong. She was a little scared of it and kept her distance.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lindy and Alex's Wedding

We went to my cousin Lindy's wedding up around Kansas City this weekend. The wedding was beautiful, and so was Lindy. Max got to meet everyone on my dad's side of the family, and Natalie got to hug Lindy in her pretty dress, so everyone was happy. 

I was kind of dreading the three hour car ride from Hesston to Kansas City, but it went surprisingly well. How we can easily make it to Kansas City when we sometimes have trouble with the ten minute drive to Newton is beyond me. Maybe the extra large stash of books and fruit snacks had something to do with it.