Thursday, February 28, 2019

Donuts with Mom

Natalie and I had a fun breakfast date at school this morning at the "Donuts with Mom" event.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Emma is Two!

Emma turned two today! Technically she won't be two years old until 11:27 tonight, but those are the little details that probably only a mother thinks about!

Emma had a great day! We went to story time and baked muffins and her birthday cake while the big kids were at school this morning. She more than made up for her lack of interest at her party on Sunday with her excitement over her cake and presents tonight! She had the biggest smile while we sang to her, and she was so excited to blow out her candles. 

She seems to get sweeter and spunkier with each day. Two is going to be fun!

And in case you are nostalgic like I am, here are links to her first birthday and brand-new Emma.


Monday, February 25, 2019

Hats and Babies

Dr. Seuss's birthday is March 2, so this week is Dr. Seuss week in kindergarten. Today was hat day for Cat in the Hat. Max's hats were all unavailable for sharing, but luckily Chris was able to share one of his.

Emma got a new baby doll and some doll food and bottles at her party yesterday, and she took them everywhere we went today. The baby and her bottle and applesauce pouch came with us to the elementary school, preschool, and the post office this morning. The baby brought her car seat along with us this afternoon to pick Natalie up and to play at our friends' house. Almost two-year-olds are so fun!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Emma's Birthday Party!

We celebrated Emma's 2nd birthday a few days early with a Minnie Mouse birthday party today. She had been really excited about a Minnie Mouse party and blowing out birthday candles, but she was a little under the weather and too tired from coughing all night last night to care much about her cake today. She perked up when it was time for presents and playing, though, and she talked very excitedly about her party once she woke up from a much-needed nap.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

Max ran out first thing this morning throwing torn paper in the air and shouting, "Confetti!" and that pretty much set the tone for the rest of our day. We had a day full of homemade cards, candy, and lots of surprises.

We were in charge of the activity for Natalie's class Valentine's Day party today. Natalie requested a craft, so we found this fun headband idea online. Max and Emma made their own headbands this morning, and Max wore his for the rest of the day. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Cold temperatures are in our near future again, but today was in the 50's, and we took advantage of it!

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Max has really been into writing and drawing lately. This is one of his latest creations. It's a picture of ten year old Max (with glasses because he's sure that he will have glasses when he's older) on the monkey bars. When he was telling me about his picture, he made sure to point out that he was wearing shorts and tall socks because that's what all the big boys wear.

Natalie was trying to convince Chris to let her sleep on the couch for some reason a few nights ago. Apparently she keeps a pencil and sticky notes handy near her bed because she wrote this note in the dark and gave it to him the next day. "Seriously, I pay you all my money to sleep on the couch." Ha! Out of the mouths of babes.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Ice Day

Natalie and Max were both out of school today because of icy roads. Max was very excited to find out that he was going to get to play with Natalie all day.