Monday, April 29, 2019

New Swing Set!

Chris built the kids a new swing set this weekend, and it has been a huge hit! They spent the vast majority of their weekend outside playing on it.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Emma Creek 5K

Natalie and I participated in our first Emma Creek 5K this morning. It is an all female race held in Hesston every year. It's such a neat event that I hope the girls and I participate in for many years to come. We walked most of the race, but we kept a pretty quick pace. We held hands and chatted the whole way, which was much more fun than running!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Littlest Fan

I bet Max is this only t-ball player whose cheering section is already practicing.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Max is 5!

This has been the week of Max! He has had some big days lately, and he has loved every minute of it.

He turned five years old today, and we celebrated with banana muffins for breakfast, lots of playing with new toys, and his requested dinner of spaghetti with chocolate cake for dessert.

I'm so proud of the young man that Max is becoming, and I'm so excited to see what this next year brings!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Kindergarten Round-up

Max has been looking forward to this day for a long time, and he was so excited this morning that it was finally here. He was very disappointed to find out that kindergarten doesn't start tomorrow and that he has to wait all the way until August. He got to visit each of the three kindergarten classrooms to sing songs, color pictures, and play with free-time toys. I asked him if it was as fun as he thought it was going to be, and he told me it was "even funner!"

Natalie came home from school with this note for Max in her backpack. She is pretty excited to have him at school with her next year!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Max's 5th Birthday Party

Max doesn't turn five for another couple of days, but we started the celebration early with a fun family party this afternoon. 

He originally requested a ninja cake, but I didn't know how I would make a ninja, so we found a picture of a fun robot cake that I was able to recreate. The chocolate donut arms were a big hit with all of the kids. 

Max has had so much fun playing with his new toys already. His presents definitely had a baseball and Lego theme. He has already broken in all of his new baseball equipment and built all of his new Lego sets. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

Max's Preschool Program

Max's teacher told me that he really sang out when they practiced for their program yesterday and that she hoped he would do the same for the real program. I wasn't sure if I should be proud or nervous. How loud was he going to sing?

My nervousness was unwarranted though because he did so well! He was so confident up on the stage. He knew all of the words and actions, and he was loud without being too loud. He was really fun to watch!

And Emma wanted her picture taken too!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Story time in a box!

Emma loves story time! She sings the songs all week, and she gets really excited when I tell her that it's story time day. Today was "X" day, so they got to sit in boxes instead of on their regular carpet squares.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Daddy Daughter Dance

Chris and Natalie went to their first daddy daughter dance at the elementary school tonight! Natalie had so much fun primping before the dance. She came home with lots of stories about friends, cookies, and limbo - the makings of a magical evening for a six year old!