Monday, November 17, 2014

Seven Months

Our sweet Max is seven months old!

Do you notice his fat lip? I was hoping it wouldn't show up in his seven month photo, but on second thought, I'm so glad that it did. It depicts his current stage perfectly. Crawling, standing, on the go -- sometimes it results in a fat lip. It definitely won't be his last. Of that I'm sure.

At seven months old Max:
  • is really getting the hang of eating baby food. His favorites are bananas, sweet potatoes, pears, and blueberry applesauce.
  • has two teeth poking through! And he's sleeping like it.
  • LOVES to stand. He grins and laughs every time he pulls himself up. 
  • goes by "Maxy" around our house. It's a nickname that, before he was born, I didn't want him to have, but I'm the one who started it, and I love it now. 
  • is getting better at crawling. His scoots have turned into a combination bear/normal crawl. 
  • loves his baths so much that he starts crying the second that I lift him out of the water.
  • is a little leery of most people other than Chris, Natalie, and me. He is not nearly as quick to smile at other people as he used to be. 
  • is good at getting into Natalie's things, but Natalie is good about giving him something else to play with. I'm dreading the day when he no longer goes along with that trick. 
  • makes lots of faces with his mouth and tongue. My guess is that he is feeling out the new teeth in his mouth. Look reeeeaaaally closely (and maybe use your imagination a little!) and you might be able to see them:

We love you, Maxy.

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