Sunday, September 21, 2014

Maria's Wedding

Maria and "Big Jordan" (because Natalie and Max have a cousin also named Jordan) got married yesterday! The ceremony was beautiful, the reception was tons of fun, and we couldn't have asked for better attitudes from the kids.

When Natalie put her purple dress on in the morning, she said, "Maria will think so pretty!" but she was too shy to take a picture with Maria without her daddy.

The reception was in Lindsborg where the sidewalks are decorated with dala horses. Natalie had to try one out on our way in to the reception hall.

Max catnapped and showed off his smile to all of the friends and family that he met for the first time.

Natalie spent a lot of her time playing with babies. Here she is with cousin Adele and Mary's bride doll. She was so sweet with the doll. She swayed with it, swaddled it, and sang to it for at least thirty minutes. I love these pictures because this is exactly how I hold Max.

Just a few more pictures from the reception:

Welcome to the family, Jordan!

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