Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy May Day!

I considered making May baskets with the kids for about five seconds this morning. Then I snapped out of it and realized that I would be the only one who understood what was going on and that I would have to deliver baskets and run away while carrying two babies. Maybe next year.

Instead, we celebrated May Day with our first trip to the store sans Chris.

And we survived!

Max was there too, just unavailable for the picture as he was attached to me via the Moby wrap.

My heart melted a little each time I looked in my rear view mirror. What a precious view.

(Natalie is singing even though it looks like she's crying.)

And two more pictures very much unrelated to the topics of May Day and grocery shopping. Natalie loves her genius shirt, and now Max has one too. I had to get a picture of him in it while I could still sort of squeeze all 11 pounds of him in to it. Here they are - our little geniuses.

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