Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another Mom Blog

Natalie Katherine joined us on October 24, 2012, and since that day I've thought about starting a blog. Now that we're emerging from the all-consuming survival mode that is life with a newborn, I've decided to join the moms of the 21st century in documenting my child's every move for all the world (okay, probably just my mom) to see.

The last few months of our lives have been a whirlwind of restless nights, dirty diapers, 'round the clock feedings, and love - lots and lots of love. Before Natalie was born, I knew that I would love our little girl, but I didn't expect the overwhelming, heart-aching, ever-increasing love that I've experienced over the three short months of her life. That's motherhood, I guess, and that's what I hope to capture with this blog. I'm already having a hard time remembering Natalie's first few weeks (I'm blaming my memory loss on sleep deprivation), so I'm hoping that this blog will help me document this blessed life we live with our little girl.

So there you have it. Just what the world needs - another mom blog.

If I've learned anything from my years of mom blog reading, it's that no post is complete without a cute, albeit unrelated, picture of your baby.


  1. Great first post. It brought a tear to my eye! Love the picture of Sweet Miss Natalie!

  2. Your auntie will read this too! And now multiply those feelings times 24 more years and you will understand your moms love for you.😊

  3. Great post...this will make it fun to watch Natalie grow.
