Wednesday, July 29, 2020

12 Months!

Isabel has been 12 months old for a little over a week now, and she suddenly seems like such a big girl! It seems like she learns something new everyday. She has been interacting with us in so many new ways lately. We love seeing her personality unfold.

At twelve months old Isabel:
  • has lots of dance moves, but her favorite is spinning around in circles.
  • climbs! She has mastered the bunk bed ladder, so the bottom step will probably have to come off for a while.
  • nods her approval when she tastes food that she likes.
  • is probably our loudest baby. She has quite the screech that she uses to voice her opinions.
  • says "mmmm" and leans in for a kiss as a greeting or when she is tired or scared. 
  • likes to read books. Her favorite book is a bedtime book that she got for her birthday.
  • has five teeth and one more on the way.
  • weighs 25 lbs 13 oz (98th percentile) and is 31 inches tall (95th percentile).

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