Tuesday, May 19, 2020

10 Months!

Sweet Isabel gets more fun every day. She is ten months old today, and we just can't get enough of the little personality that is emerging from our girl.

She has all sorts of tricks that she likes to show off. Most of her tricks are cute noises she makes with her mouth, but our current favorite is when she says "hiiiiiiiiiiiii" while waving her hand back and forth.

She loves baths, going outside, climbing on Emma's bed, watching me brush my teeth, and her sippy cup of water. She has four teeth, and lately she has been eating just as much supper as the big kids eat.

She is walking better every day. She can walk halfway across the living room before falling down now. I'm so excited to watch her grow into a little toddler, but a part of me will be sad when she no longer prefers crawling to walking. The crawling stage doesn't seem to last too long, but it's such a sweet one, so I'm savoring the last bit of it while it lasts.

Ten months with Isabel have flown by. We all gush over her daily. She makes life so sweet!

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