Tuesday, November 19, 2019

4 Months!

Isabel is four months old today and is as sweet as can be! It seems like she gives me this grin every time I look at her. 😍

This is such a fun age! Her personality is really starting to unfold, and we love getting to know her. She is a really happy and content baby. She is becoming quite the chatterbox. She talks and talks to us and her toys. She giggles now too, which is just the sweetest sound.

The big kids are completely enamored with her. Natalie and Max call her Izzy, and Emma calls her Ibby or Ibb (short for her pronunciation "Ibabel").

She seems like such a big girl all of a sudden! She holds herself up so much better and is starting to reach for toys and is so close to rolling from back to tummy. Watching her grow and learn is so much fun! Happy four months, sweet girl.

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