Saturday, October 19, 2019

3 Months

Isabel is three months old today, and we can't get over how precious she is! She is such a happy, smiley, and talkative little gal. Her coos are as sweet as they come.

She has been getting a lot stronger lately. She can hold her head up really well during tummy time, and she is so close to rolling over. She wiggles around enough when she's on her back that she can change positions. I will put her down on the floor one way, and when I look at her a few minutes later, her head will be where her feet had just been.

She loves to chew on her hands and sometimes sucks her thumb or fingers for comfort. I would love to have a thumb sucker, so I'm hoping she keeps it up.

She is growing and changing so quickly right now, and we are loving every bit of it! She has made these three months so special.

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