Monday, November 27, 2017

Nine Months

Emma is nine months old today!

She is as sweet as she can be. She has become really playful and giggly this month, which is so fun. She loves peek-a-boo, and she recently started waving (but only when the mood strikes).  When she makes a break down the hall for the bathroom or the big kids' room, she stops to look back to make sure I'm chasing her, then she turns back around to giggle and speed crawl to her destination.

She still loves a good raspberry conversation. She says both mama and dada, but she doesn't know what they mean yet. She makes all sorts of noises and tries to imitate most sounds we make. She even pops her lips to imitate a kiss noise, which is one of my favorites.

She is a pro with her push walker these days, and she is standing unsupported for longer periods. No steps yet, but my bet is they're coming soon!

She loves to eat! She had her first Thanksgiving meal last week, and she was a big fan of the turkey and mashed potatoes. She eats helping after helping after helping when we have things like spaghetti, chili, and tacos. She is still a great fruits and vegetables eater. Her new favorites are cutie oranges. She also loves her sippy cup. She recently figured out that if she tips her head all the way back, she can get a pretty good drink and an even better bath!

She still only has two teeth, and my guess is she weighs around 19 pounds. We'll see how close my guess is when we go for her 9 month checkup tomorrow.

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