Wednesday, August 30, 2017

This and That

Emma took her first bath in the big tub tonight! She had a great time splashing and was very sad when I took her out.

She is doing really well with her solid food. Tonight she tried and really seemed to enjoy avocado. We're giving her big chunks of soft fruits and veggies instead of feeding her purees with a spoon, and we're all having fun with it. She sure makes a mess though! This picture was taken early in the meal. She was much much messier by the time she was done!

Here she is trying banana earlier in the week:

She cut her second tooth today and got three shots at the doctor this afternoon, so she had a fairly painful day. She has been a trooper though. She is still measuring long and lean - 94th percentile in height and 60th percentile in weight.

Max was being a train engineer, and Natalie said, "You look really cute in that, Max!"

And these last few are just cute pictures from a week or two ago that I know I'll want to see when I look back at old blog posts.

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