Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Nebraska Vacation

We took a quick trip to Nebraska last week with Mark, Shawna, Jordan, and Alex. The kids loved staying in the hotels. The pools, big beds (with pillow lines drawn down the middle) and big breakfasts were the highlights. Emma must be a hotel-lover too because on the second night of our trip she slept about seven hours straight for the first time (and what I'm sure will be the last time for quite a while)!

Our first big stop was the Lincoln Children's Museum. It has three stories of fun. The kids' favorite part was the town complete with hospital, fire station, grocery store, and bank to name only a few.

Our second big stop was the Omaha zoo. What a great zoo! We went on a fun train ride, and Chris took the big kids on a "sky-fari" or the "flying benches" as they called it.

We played a hot game of miniature golf.

The highlight of our trip was all the time we got to spend at Aunt Jill's house. Chris' aunt, uncle, and cousin live in Omaha, and they so graciously had us over three days in a row for lots of delicious food and backyard fun.

The kids are racing college superstar athlete cousin Holly in a backyard obstacle course in this first picture:

We all had a great time, but we were all glad to get home. As we drove into town Sunday evening, Natalie said, "Hesston! My favorite town!"

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