Thursday, April 27, 2017

Two Months

Emma is two months old today!

Natalie called her "jolly" this morning, and I have to agree. She is quite the jolly little girl.

She weighs around 11.5 pounds. That's almost 4 pounds more than she weighed at birth, which is so strange to think about because she still seems so little. How tiny was she two months ago?!

She is such an easy-going baby so far. She sleeps and eats on the go every day as we're out and about with the big kids, and she sleeps and eats through constant noise, pats, and hugs while we're at home. She has yet to experience (and probably never will experience) a quiet day, but her days are so so full of love that I don't think she minds the lack of peace and quiet.

We love you, Emma Madeline. More than you'll ever know.

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