Monday, February 20, 2017


♬♬"All my bags are packed. I'm ready to go." ♬♬

This song runs through my head every time I pass by my packed hospital bag. It's sitting so patiently in the newly set up and sweetly adorned crib just waiting for it's time to shine.

Even just typing that probably added an extra week on to this little one's gestation...

We're all very very excited for Baby's arrival. I'm a little over 38 weeks today, so I in no way expect her to come this week. Natalie and Max both came between 39 and 40 weeks, so I'm hoping for sometime next week. Although Baby, if you're listening and want to pleasantly surprise me, be my guest!

The kids talk about their new baby sister all the time. She gets goodnight kisses and lots of hugs throughout the day, and she has been featured in many many drawings over the last few months. Here are some of my favorites:

Baby Sister and Natalie. Natalie is just sure the baby will have black hair like she did when she was a newborn.

Baby Sister in my tummy. The pinkish red spots are my lungs "to show that it's inside my body".

Max, Baby Sister, and a rock. The baby is in a swaddle.

Nesting has been in full force lately. Our closets are organized, the baby clothes are washed and neatly folded in their respective drawers, the pantry and freezer are stocked. Now I'm keeping busy with the never-ending task of trying to keep the house clean and baby-ready despite the fact that it is home to two little tornadoes. If nothing else, it is keeping me busy while I wait!

Baby Sister, we're so excited to meet you!

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