Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A surprise oasis

I'm a little embarrassed to type this for fear that I'll surely be kicked out of the running for Mom on the Year, but today I took the kids to the city pool for the first time since Max was born. My poor children didn't even know that the city pool existed until today.

In my defense I had legitimate safety concerns about taking a baby and a one-year-old to the pool Max's first summer, and last summer could have still been a bit tricky, but I don't know what my excuse was for the first part of this summer. We'll just have to make up for lost time with lots a trips to the pool in the coming month because they LOVED it.

We stayed much longer than planned, and Natalie is now asking how those big kids learned to jump in the water face first. She's already excited for swimming lessons next year.

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