Friday, February 26, 2016

Look for the helpers

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping'." -- Fred Rodgers

Luckily our kids aren't old enough to understand the horror that ripped through our little town yesterday, but they still have questions. They're curious about the sirens and the helicopters and the news crews. They know that some people were hurt in Hesston yesterday, but what we've really been trying to focus on are the helpers. We've been talking about the people who are helping and what we can do to help. My prayer is that Natalie and Max will always be able to look past the hate that they encounter in this world to see the good. There will always be good.

A friend of mine is an elementary school teacher here in town, and she posted this quote from a children's book that they read and reread at school today. What a perfect quote and what wonderful teachers (helpers) we have.

"There was plenty of sadness in the story, I reckon, but it wasn't sad all the way through. There was an awful lot of love, and an awful lot of together, and an awful lot of happy at the end. It was a good story. A good story." -- Some Kind of Courage by Dan Gemeinhart

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