Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Christmas Story Obsession

This girl.

I know I just recently blogged about her love for all things Nativity, but over the Christmas season her interest and knowledge on the subject exploded. Her new favorite thing to play is Mary and the angel Gabriel. We play it every day. We start out with me as Mary sleeping in bed and Natalie as Gabriel coming to tell me that I will be expecting a baby and that his name will be Jesus. Then we switch roles at least once.

This is her updated costume. It's multi-purpose. The blue head covering (secured with a clothes pin) for Mary and the "white" dress (it's more white up top!) for the angel Gabriel:

I wrote these quotes down around Christmastime. This age of curiosity and imagination is so fun!

Natalie: "What was the frankincense for that they gave Baby Jesus?"
Me: "Frankincense makes you smell nice."
Natalie: "What needed to smell nice in Bethlehem? Maybe the ox? Sometimes ox are stinky like pigs."

Natalie: "God didn't give the baby to Mary because God is the baby."

Natalie (singing): "Speeeaaaak in Heavenly peace."

Natalie: "What were the Kings' names?"
Me: "I don't know. I don't know if anyone knows."
Natalie: "Why is nobody a good rememberer?"

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