Friday, June 12, 2015


We have spent the last two weeks battling hand, foot, and mouth disease. Max only had a very mild version, but poor Natalie had it pretty bad. We're starting to recover from blisters, fevers, and lack of sleep, so to the blog I run because it's been far too long since I've posted a grainy cellphone picture update!

Even though Natalie was feeling better, she was still pretty spotty and too contagious to go to Grandma Beth's retirement party last weekend. Instead, she and I stayed home and had a girls' date with a picnic on the front porch followed by Sonic ice cream cones.

The turtles at the arboretum don't care that she's contagious.

This box, or "boat", was our favorite toy this week.

And trash day is always a fun day.

We're hoping to be back at it next week!

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