Sunday, January 18, 2015

9 Months

Happy nine months, Max!

Nine months old! Yes! I love this age! Older babies and toddlers are more my cup of tea than newborns and young babies. Don't get me wrong, newborn snuggles are so so sweet, but laughing and playing with the little personality that somehow emerged from that sleeping newborn is magical. Also, I am the worst at baby naps, so once they grow up and take fewer naps, my life gets exponentially easier!

At nine months old Max:
  • likes to eat bananas, apples, chicken, eggs, carrots, and green beans. He's a really good little eater. He usually eats whatever we put in front of him, and we usually have to keep refilling his tray.
  • claps and waves but not always on command.
  • still only has two teeth, but he seems to be working on some more.
  • says "mamamama" when he needs something or can't find me. 
  • hates having his diaper and/or clothes changed. 
  • loves to play peek-a-boo with his bib or wash cloth after he's done eating.
  • stands up in the bath tub with the orneriest look on his face waiting for me to tell him to sit down. Once I say, "Sit on your bottom, Max," he sits down, smiles, and does it all over again. 
  • likes to "drink" from a sippy cup. I use the word "drink" loosely because he does more playing than drinking.
  • loves to walk behind anything he can push. His favorite thing to push is Natalie's kitchen chair while she's sitting in it. Natalie is usually less than thrilled.

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