Friday, December 5, 2014

Fashion + A Trick

Natalie has become quite the fashionista lately. She loves to play "girls" - that's what she calls these paper dolls. She probably plays with them at least once a day, and lately she has been pretty particular about which outfits are pretty and which aren't.

Also, notice her yellow (Are they orange? Don't tell her!) pants. She has been wanting yellow pants ever since she saw a little girl with yellow leggings at church a month ago. She watched the cute little yellow pants girl walk by and then immediately told us that she needed to go to the store to get yellow pants like that girl. I didn't know that needing to look like the pretty girls started at two years old, but I guess it does! Anyway, Grandma Patty came to the rescue with these yellow (I still say orange) pants. 

And then there is this guy:

He has a new trick!

These are pretty fuzzy but they're some of my favorite. Sister loves to twirl.

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