Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Eight Months

Max is eight months old today!

I blinked and all of a sudden my baby is this little boy!

At eight months old, Max:
  • ruins Natalie's life on a daily basis. He wants to play exactly what she's playing, and so far bulldozing over her princess line-up and gnawing on her carefully prepared plastic food meals have proven to be pretty catastrophic. 
  • is told by almost everyone he meets that he looks like his daddy. 
  • loves to wrestle with Natalie. I used to get on to Natalie for being rough with him, but anymore I just let her go because Max giggles and plays along.
  • is working on perfecting his fits. They currently include quite the back arch.
  • loves to explore. He has been roaming around the house playing independently a lot more lately. 
  • has three different crawls. He crawls with both knees, his right knee and his left foot, and both feet. The most popular is the right knee/left foot crawl. 
  • doesn't eat from a spoon very well anymore. He likes to feed himself. He eats Cheerios, bananas, apples, shredded cheese, yogurt bites, peas, carrots, and green beans. He makes the cutest faces while he figures out how to use his jaw.
  • gets nervous around new people. He is much more likely to give a pouty lip and worried eyes than a smile. 
  • loves to push the kitchen chairs all around the kitchen. He loves to walk with anything really, and he is starting to practice standing by himself without holding on.
  • is the sweetest little mama's boy, which I love (most of the time). It can be pretty draining to be so wanted and needed all of the time, but it's also pretty magical. 

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