Friday, November 14, 2014

Boxes, Puzzles, and Teeth

I'm going to go ahead and blame the polar vortex outside for the lack of blog posts lately. There is only so much to say about being cooped up in the house, but here we go:

The Amazon box and Natalie's Frosty the Snowman puzzle took up most of our morning today. Natalie got some puzzles from my cousin Lorie a few months back, and she has suddenly figured out how to do this one. She does it over and over and over.

Max's teeth are the big news of our week! He has one sharp little bottom tooth poking through and one extremely swollen bump on his gums where the other bottom tooth is trying to come in. Yay Max!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! In that third picture, Max looks like his daddy!! I think he also looks like Mark and Shawna's oldest boy a little. So cute!!!!
