Thursday, October 16, 2014

6 Months

Today is Max's half birthday!

His personality is really starting to blossom, and he is proving to be much more like his sister than we originally thought. Our once laid-back baby is now very much the opposite - curious and on the go.

At six months old Max:
  • is quite the outdoorsman. He is almost always happier when he's outside.
  • really wants to crawl. He spends a lot of his time on all fours fussing because he can't go.
  • scoots backward on his tummy.
  • loves to splash in the bath with Natalie. 
  • likes pears and sweet potatoes. 
  • prefers to be perched on my hip.
  • is constantly chewing on a toy. Come on teeth!
  • likes to cuddle and rock, which I love.
  • is still the most smiley little guy!

He and Natalie are the best frenemies you would expect from siblings 18 months apart. Their relationship is mostly sweetness peppered with the occasional push. Max can't wait until he can reciprocate... but enough about the pushing. On to the sweetness... oh the sweetness! When Max sees Natalie for the first time in the morning or after a nap, his grin is as big as it can be, and when Natalie hears Max wake up she says, "I hear our Maxy!" and runs to him. Then she smothers him with hugs while saying, "He's so precious! Oh! So sweet!"

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