October 24, 2012:
October 24, 2013:
Twelve months? How are we here already? But in the same breath I could also say that I can't quite remember a time when Natalie wasn't a part of our family. The last twelve months have been filled to the brim with blessings. They've been the best twelve months of our lives for sure.
At twelve months old Natalie:
- sings along with the songs at church.
- plays with books more than any other toys.
- is a much better eater than before. Her favorite foods are bananas, scrambled eggs, pasta, green beans, cheese, grapes, and yogurt.
- weighs around 23 pounds according to our scale.
- holds our cell phones up to her ear to "talk".
- gives the sweetest hugs and kisses.
- says "mama", "dada", "bath", "tickle tickle", and "duck".
- knows what the sheep, cow, and cat say although "moo" is just a low hum and "meow meow" sounds more like "yah yah". We know what she means :)
- has nine teeth with another molar on its way.
- signs for "more" and smiles and claps for herself after she does it.
- is starting to become more timid and scared in big groups of people.
- clicks her tongue immediately when I start singing "The Wheels on the Bus" because her favorite verse is the one where the "money goes click click click".
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