Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Taking the Plunge

My former self would have thought I was crazy, but my current penny-pinching self thought it was worth a try, so I did it. I ordered cloth diapers.

Maybe it's because I've only been using them for a few days or maybe it's because we still have quite the disposable diaper stash (which Chris still exclusively uses) to fall back on, but so far it hasn't been so bad. 

I thought the extra laundry would be overwhelming, but I realized that when there isn't any folding involved, it hardly counts as "laundry". So far I haven't been too overwhelmed by the extra button pushes that it takes to turn on the machine :) Really, that's all I do. 

I thought they might take too much time to put on because it was already hard enough to put a disposable diaper on our squirmy girl, but I bought a fairly simple diaper, and now that I'm getting the hang of it, it doesn't take much longer than disposables did. 

I thought I would be really grossed out by "cleaning" the dirty ones, and I was absolutely right. It's definitely not the most fun thing, and it's almost impossible with a little girl in tow, but I'm starting to get a method that seems to be working. We'll see. If I fail at cloth diapering, this will be the reason. 

Overall, though, not too bad. Crazy, I know. 

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