Thursday, September 19, 2013

PSR with Mrs. O'Halloran and Mrs. O'Halloran

Lacy and I taught our first night of PSR (I'm still getting used to calling it that as we always called it "catechism" when I was growing up) last night. We're teaching seventh grade, which was incredibly intimidating to us at first, but I really think we're going to love it. We seem to have a great group of kids. I thought seventh graders would be more grown up than they are, but our kids seem to be the perfect combination of little kids and big kids. They are little enough to still participate and get excited, but they're big enough to understand and discuss more complex topics. We have a really exciting, upbeat, and current curriculum which will make our job so much easier. I think the kids are going to really like it.

Too optimistic too soon? I sure hope not!

Yes, they're calling both of us Mrs. O'Halloran for now. In all actuality they probably won't call us anything, so it will probably work out just fine.

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