Saturday, August 24, 2013

10 Months

Today Natalie is ten months old, but don't tell her that. She is pretty certain that she's a toddler already.

At ten months old Natalie:
  • weighs about 22 pounds.
  • likes turkey meatballs, cheese, chicken, apples, grapes, blueberries, mint chocolate chip ice cream, refried beans, ham, noodles, and bananas.
  • hates baby food and vegetables.
  • very deliberately drops the food she doesn't want to eat, piece by piece, on the floor. 
  • says "tickle tickle tickle" which sounds more like "ducka ducka ducka."
  • empties drawers like its her job. 
  • has eight teeth - four on the top and four on the bottom.
  • loves to be read to. Her favorite story right now is The Alphabet Book. We read it over and over and over. 
  • leans over the bath tub as its filling up so that her hand is under the running water. Then she drinks all of the water that she caught in her hand. 
  • laughs and laughs - more than ever. She is such a happy baby.
  • loves to be chased.
  • melts my heart by tugging on my legs when she wants to be picked up, which is quite often. 
  • waves bye bye. 
  • runs when she hears our bedroom door open in hopes that she'll make it down the hall in time to snoop around in her favorite room. 

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