Saturday, May 25, 2013

Seven Months

Seven months old is my favorite age so far. But then so was six months, and five months before that, and four months before that. Natalie just keeps getting sweeter and more fun every day. I can remember crying when she was a newborn because I didn't want her to grow up. My mom told me that she thinks God makes it so that a mom's favorite stage is the one that her kid is in at the time. So far, I'd have to agree.

At seven months old Natalie:
  • weighs around twenty pounds.
  • sometimes gets really giggly when she is tired at the end of the day. A couple evenings ago, about thirty minutes before her bed time, she was speed-crawling down the hallway giggling at herself.
  • is a girl on the go. She doesn't sit still. Ever.
  • lays her head down mid-crawl for a couple seconds when she is tired. She never stays down very long though because she doesn't want anyone to catch on that she's getting tired.
  • pulls herself up to stand with no trouble at all anymore.
  • kisses the baby in the mirror. Or tries to eat her. Calling it a kiss makes it sound sweeter.
  • prefers to ride around the house perched on my hip. She is the best little side-kick.
  • is Little Miss Personality with all of her faces.
  • says "mamamama" and "papapapa". She doesn't know what she is saying, and she doesn't say it on command, but Chris and I are convinced that she is saying our names. 

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