Tuesday, March 26, 2013

5 Months

Things have been crazy around here, so this post is a couple days late. Natalie actually turned five months old on Sunday, but Chris has assured me that a two-day-late blog post isn't a sign of child neglect.

Natalie has grown up so much in the last month, and as she grows, so does her personality. She is such a sweet, giggly, playful little girl. She is so curious about her world that she cannot stay still for even a second. That's why this photo shoot took three tries. She was just too busy and kept rolling away!

At five months old, Natalie:
  • weighs about 16 and a half pounds. 
  • sits without support for a minute or so before she topples over. 
  • has zero teeth to show for all of her drooling and chewing.
  • pushes herself up on all fours and rocks back and forth. She really really wants to crawl, but she can't quite figure it out yet. She'll be there soon though. Time to baby-proof the house!
  • chatters and growls all the time. Especially in church.
  • is my little side kick. She loves to be doing whatever I'm doing.
  • sleeps in her crib and only wakes up a couple times a night! This is huge! We had been waking up so many times at night that I had just accepted the facts that the bags under my eyes were here to stay and that we just didn't have a good sleeper. But now I'm waking up feeling rested for the first time in five months. Don't get me wrong, she isn't sleeping through the night. She's just sleeping like babies are supposed to, and for that I am eternally grateful!
  • loves her baths.
  • is really ticklish especially under her chin.
  • bites her bottom lip:
It's safe to say that these have been the best five months of my life.


  1. love it! She is so adorable and you are such an adorable mom :)

  2. They change so fast. Enjoy every day. She's a cutie.

  3. Welcome to mommy hood....you never sleep again. Lol:-)

  4. Awe! How sweet. You're the best mom ever! I can't wait to see Easter pictures of miss Natalie! :)
