Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursdays and Fridays with Natalie

When I was pregnant with Natalie, I had a hard time deciding what I would do career-wise once she was born. I knew that there was absolutely no way I could continue working 54+ hour weeks during tax season (January through mid-April) because even normal 40 hour weeks seemed unappealing if there was going to be a baby at home to rock. But I also didn't like the idea of quitting my job because, despite the long hours, I had a great job - fun coworkers, varied experiences, advancement opportunities, nice benefits, and flexibility. I had just started to really make friends and excel at work, and on top of that, I had just become licensed as a CPA. Quitting when everything was starting to go so well didn't feel right.

I decided that working three days a week would be just about perfect, but I was pretty sure that my boss wasn't going to go for it. I knew of a few women at work who worked reduced schedules, but they had been there a lot longer than I had, and their schedules weren't nearly as reduced as the schedule I was hoping to work. Some worked 40 hours a week all year instead of working more during tax season, and some got off at 3:30 instead of 5:00 or 6:00. None were being stay-at-home moms for half of the week like I was hoping to do. Much to my surprise, my boss agreed to my proposed schedule. His only concern was that he wanted to make sure I continued to develop my career and advance even though I'd be working less. Fine by me! I had no intention of becoming stagnant in my career, and I was happy to hear that he felt the same way.

So here it is a Thursday during tax season, and I'm rocking my baby. I work Mondays through Wednesdays, and I stay home with Natalie on Thursdays and Fridays. Natalie plays with Aunt Lacy and Cousin Mary while I'm at work. Here they are having a tea party.

This work arrangement is working really well for us so far. I feel like I get the best of both worlds. Of course I miss Natalie while I'm at work, but it makes our time together that much more fun. Thursdays and Fridays ("girls' days") are absolutely my favorite weekdays, so when I saw this onesie at Target, I had to buy it.

Maybe I'll get a matching pink t-shirt that says "I <3 girls' days with Natalie." Too much? 


  1. You really do have the best of both worlds! It looks like Miss Natalie's hair is coming back. :)

  2. Love the picture of the O'Halloran Princesses having tea!

  3. I think it makes you a better Mama when you are able to be around other adults part of the time. I also think it is good for Natalie to learn to trust other people in her life to take care of her.

  4. Quality time vs quantity time is what gets me through being at work.
