Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Birthday Girls

We celebrated Emma's and Abigail's birthdays with the O'Hallorans on Sunday. Isabel didn't like the idea of a joint birthday party at first because, as she said, "They aren't twins!" but she eventually came around, and we all had a fun time!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Emma is 6!

Emma had a full and fun birthday! She started her day off bright and early drawing with new art supplies at her new desk. She had some friends over to play after school, and we ended her day with supper and dessert of her choice. 

Emma is such a good sister. She has a special relationship with each of her siblings. She loves to play, and she loves to help. She brings us so much joy. I don't know where these six years have gone, but they've sure been fun!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Mardi Gras

We feasted this evening before the fast tomorrow! When we were talking to the kids about Fat Tuesday, Emma said we should call it "Big Tuesday" because fat isn't a nice word. :)

Monday, February 20, 2023

Four Day Weekend!

Four day weekends and spring-like weather are the perfect pair.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Park Fun

The weather this weekend has us excited for spring!

Saturday, February 18, 2023


Isabel drew this picture of Abigail yesterday, and I love it so much.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Reading Buddies

The 4th graders got to read with the kindergartners yesterday, and Natalie was really hoping she would get paired with Emma. Both girls' teachers sent pictures.

Monday, February 13, 2023


The Chiefs are Super Bowl champions! Max loves the Chiefs. He knows all about the players and the game, and I'm having fun learning from him. We had lots of fun party food for the Super Bowl last night, and someone in town added to the excitement by shooting off fireworks each time the Chiefs scored. Max and Natalie got to stay up to see the end of the game. They showered and put on pajamas at halftime, but Max was sure to put his jersey and hat back on until the end.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Eleven Months!

Somehow Abigail is eleven months old now. I'm very much in denial that she is going to be one in 23 days. 

She is the sweetest little best friend to everyone in our house. She has lots of new tricks that we all gush over. She waves and says "bye bye," she claps very proudly, and her newest trick is to point with her thumb and index finger touching. 

She loves to drink from a sippy cup. Her favorite foods are blueberries, strawberries, bananas, chili, and cheese, but she eats most of what we give her. Sometimes she even licks her plate clean. 

She still has only two teeth. We love her two-toothed smile, and it seems like she is always smiling. She is very giggly and playful, and she loves to be tickled and chased. 

She is really good at standing. She can stand for long periods of time, and she can stand up in the middle of the room without something to pull up on, but so far she prefers to stay put. 

These eleven months have been such a joy with her!