Friday, July 29, 2022

Totus Tuus

Natalie and Max had the best time at Totus Tuus this week! They made some new friends, stepped outside of their comfort zones, and had so much fun!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Shopping with just the little girls while Natalie and Max are at Totus Tuus.

Abigail is in such a fun stage right now. She loves to play with her toys and with her siblings. She is full of stories and giggles, and we all just love it!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

11 Years!

We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary today quite a bit differently than we had planned. Today was the last day of Covid quarantine for Chris and Max, so instead of going out, we had a family picnic at the park and ice cream out front of Burger Garage. Even with the change of plans, it was a wonderful day!

Natalie and Max are still very evenly matched on the teeter totter. I wonder how many more years this will work.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Isabel is 3!

Isabel has been so excited to turn three, and today was the day! It was a birthday unlike any other because Covid found its way to our house this week. No one is too terribly sick, but we had to cancel our party plans and keep the celebration to just our immediate family. That suited introverted Isabel just fine though! She got the doll she has been hoping for, spaghetti for supper, and a unicorn cake, so she was a happy three year-old!

Saturday, July 16, 2022


Max's last baseball game was last week. He had a lot of fun playing this year!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Zoo Day

We didn't get a very early start because the kids really sleep in these days, but we packed a picnic lunch and spent over three hours at the zoo today. We had such a fun time!

Monday, July 4, 2022


And our littlest firecracker:

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Four Months

Abigail turned four months old yesterday, and she is still everyone's favorite sibling. She spends her days smiling, talking, giggling, chewing on her hands, and being held. She is such a little joy!

And a couple with the photo shoot crasher: