Saturday, May 27, 2017

Three Months

Emma is three months old and as sweet as can be.

She was more interested in cooing at me than smiling for her pictures today. Her coos are fairly new, and they absolutely melt me.

She weighs around 12.5 pounds. She's a growing girl. I could really see how much she has grown when I carried her past a mirror earlier today. I've always carried her around upright, with her peeking over my shoulder. She used to be a little ball on my shoulder when I carried her this way, but now her body takes up most of the length of my torso.

She discovered the baby in the mirror this month and loves to smile at her. She also discovered her hands, which provide great entertainment until she loses them.

She has the cutest "boo-boo face" (as Natalie calls it) when she gets scared. She juts out her bottom lip and makes the saddest face right before the tears come. She's a sensitive little soul 😊

Happy three months, Emma!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday Smiles

Natalie has dubbed Emma the "smile machine". 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Zoo Day

This is a nine month old baby gorilla that was playing with the kids! The zoo has another new baby gorilla born just five days before Emma, but she was hanging onto her mom the whole time. It will be fun to watch them grow!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Thumb sucker?

I'm really hoping that Emma becomes a thumb sucker. I know it's a hard habit to break, but I think it's so cute, and, unlike pacifiers, thumbs don't get lost. She sucks her fingers or thumb to soothe herself quite often, much more than Natalie or Max ever did, so I'm holding out hope that it continues!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Splash Park

Natalie and Max insisted on wearing their goggles to the splash park this morning to keep the water out of their eyes.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Sweet Emma

Emma has started rolling over lately. I don't have any photographic or video evidence yet, but I do have these sweet non-rolling pictures.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Sidewalk Painting

We made sidewalk chalk paint this afternoon and spent the rest of the afternoon painting the driveway.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

When I Grow Up

When Natalie grows up, she is going to be a mama and a nurse that helps babies in the hospital.

Max is going to be a baseball player, a basketball player, a firefighter, and a daddy. He used to also say that he was going to be a zoo keeper, but lately that dream seems to be fading away.

Dream big, little ones!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Preschool Tanganyika Trip

Natalie's preschool took a field trip to Tanganyika Wildlife Park in Goddard today, and families got to come along too. We walked around the zoo with Natalie's friend, Lilly, and her mom and little sister.

The kids got to pet a lot of animals including the kangaroos. Some kangaroos even had babies peeking out of their pouches!

Natalie and Max were excited to feed the giraffe, but they needed a little moral support from Mom and Emma.

They also loved feeding the fish.

We had a great time and even stopped for our signature pink and blue ice cream cones on the way home.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pope Francis

Natalie and Max found this cardboard cutout of Pope Francis while we were shopping this weekend. They wanted their picture taken, and then Natalie requested a retake to try for a better smile.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

Shorts Weather

We spent most of today outside!

Here Max and Natalie are running to feed the turtles and geese at the arboretum.

Last Day of Preschool

Yesterday was Natalie's last day of school. She has loved preschool so much this year. She always recaps her day for us on the drive home telling us what they ate for snack, who she played with at recess, and what she played at "choice time" (almost always dress up and art). She has made some good friends that we hope to continue to play with over the summer. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Chris was out of town for work yesterday, so we got Subway and had a picnic in the park for supper.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy May Day!

In preparation for May Day, last night in the bath Natalie was singing, "May Day is the best time of the year! Oh yeah!"

She and Max both really got into the May Day spirit this year. They secretly delivered their baskets and then ran back to our getaway wagon as fast as they could.