Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Spring, please come soon

Is it just me, or does Natalie look like a ten year old in this picture?

The kids wanted to ride their bikes around the block a few times this afternoon, so I waddled along behind them. I'm sure we were quite the site to see.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The king of all hand-me-downs

We get some pretty great hand-me-downs from cousins and friends, but I think this one takes the cake. Some family friends in Yates Center gave us this huge Thomas the Train table, and the kids can't get enough of it. They haven't played much else since we got it yesterday afternoon.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


We're loving this weather!

Friday, January 13, 2017


We tried out the trampoline park in Wichita this morning to try to combat the cabin fever that is sure to set in if we really are hit with the ice storm the weatherman is predicting. Every Thursday and Friday morning the trampoline park is open only to kids five and under and their parents. I've been wanting to take the kids for a while now, and because I'm not nearly brave enough to take a baby along, our window of opportunity was coming to a close. So! This morning was the morning!

This is probably the most unnecessary statement I've ever typed on the blog, but here it goes - We loved it! They bounced and bounced, and the smiles never left their faces. When I told them it was time to leave, Max asked if we could come back tomorrow, so I'm sure we'll be back!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Heat Wave

The temperatures were in the 50's today! We spent most of the day outside, and we all felt so good! We talked about how we get to go to the park every day when it's warmer and how this year our new baby will be with us on our park trips. The kids are excited to show her all the parks in town and all the neat things they can do at the parks. We're all just a little excited for this new baby sister!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Sesame Street Live

The kids got Sesame Street Live tickets from my parents for Christmas. Saturday was show day, and the kids had a blast. They were so much fun to watch! They clapped and sang and pointed excitedly through the whole show. 

Friday, January 6, 2017


Natalie asked me to braid her hair a few days ago. We tried a couple different things that my limited skills couldn't make happen with her short, thin hair, so we ended up with braided piggy tails. She loves them! She pranced around the house admiring herself for quite some time after her first pair and has requested them every day since. She has declared this to be her new "look".