Friday, March 27, 2015

Max's One Year Pictures

We had Max's birthday pictures taken a few weeks early so that we can use them for his party invitations. I knew that we was growing up, but wow, I hadn't realized how much he looked like a little boy and unlike a baby until I saw these pictures! He wanted nothing to do with the cake and started crying shortly after these pictures because he wanted the frosting off of his fingers.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Slide Duo

Please ignore that Max isn't wearing pants.... This was just a little pre-dinner backyard fun.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Eleven Months

Max has grown up so much in the last month! All of a sudden baby Max is gone, and now we have a sweet, spunky toddler. He has been communicating with us so well lately which has been so much fun. He's sure to let us know what he wants with the cutest point and grunt. 

At eleven months old Max:
  • is just sure that he is as big as Natalie and thus entitled to exactly what she has. He doesn't want a similar purple sippy cup; he wants only the purple sippy cup that is in her hand. 
  • has six teeth. He cut four top teeth this month!
  • gives the best hugs.
  • likes to sing with Natalie while they swing.
  • LOVES to play outside. He points out the window while saying, "eh eh eh," countless times a day.
  • walks everywhere and speed walks when he's really excited or when he thinks he might be able to play in the toilet before he gets caught.
  • is starting to climb.
  • shakes his head "no" with an ornery little smile. 
  • loves to play ball. 
  • has big dreams of one day making it to the fridge before the door closes.
  • makes us laugh daily.
We love you, Max.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Luck o' the Irish

Two pictures because I couldn't get them to both smile at the same time.

Here they are answering their phones. Max puts his hand up to his ear every time he hears someone say, "Hello," and Natalie likes to join in on the fun.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Summer Lovin'

"Winter Lovin'" if you want to be technical, but it feels like spring which is making us excited for summer!

Summer clothes for babies are a million times cuter than winter clothes. We were excited to pull these bright colors out of the closet and give them a whirl for our trip to the park this afternoon.

Also, my new tactic for getting Max to stay still in pictures is to put shoes on him. He's all over the place in bare feet and socks, but he hasn't quite figured out how to walk in shoes yet.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Onward and upward

Last week went unblogged and for good reason. Let's just say that potty training isn't for the faint of heart.

Onward and upward!

Today was glorious. Sleeping in, happy kids, perfect weather, open windows, playing outside, new library books - I could get used to this.